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Public front page news by Saggy

CURRENT NEWS (November of 2015) - Black Ops 3 is out. There are no plans at the present, for any 'formal' type of clan activities. Like MLG gaming or competitive clan operations.Best can be seen, Treyarch formally ditched the clan wars process. Maybe that's good? Who knows. Right now, who cares. People are just playing and hopefully having fun. Hopefully, and I do mean this, hopefully old friendships can be reformed and old CoD playing buddies reunited, and past fun times experienced again. It's not about a clan name, but the friends who had fun playing this game.

Hope to see some of you again.


SAD NEWS (Spring of 2015) -  RIP to a long time CoD playing friend, BigMartino. A message from AmazonBlonde, "I added this thread to our clan page for those of us who would like to post our condolences to Biggest Martino's family. I thought if Jallito would like to share our thoughts to the family it might let them know that we feel for them and that Martino will be missed by us as well. I know I haven't played with you all as long as most of you have played together (I started with MW3) but I will miss Martino. Before Tanks came out and we were still on the 360 playing Ghosts, Stone, Grim, Martino, Righteous and I would play on Saturday and Sunday mornings together. It was like an unsaid ritual. I miss those mornings. While it seems we are all somewhat scattered around playing different things, we are still a clan and I still think of you all as my brothers. R.I.P. Martino

OLD NEWS (Spring & Summer of 2015) HSV1 did play CoDAW. We also did the Clan Wars. Not just play it, but by April of '15, we were the 11th ranked clan in the world overall, and ranked #1 in our bracket. Yes, we were kicking ass. Undefeated and highly ranked. But then BeachHead Studios decided to cancel the Clan War season, and do a 'reboot'. Make everyone start over. To summarize our thoughts, ..."Beachhead can go screw themselves". Our numbers were already dwindling due to AW's unpopularity, and the thought of having to redo all our clan wars work over . . . was just to much. We shut down. No more Clan Wars. RIP. It was fun while it lasted.Our legacy with this gaming process is secure. Over the two years of 2014 and half of 2015, our CoD players were some of the best in the world, in terms of clan play. Congrats to all those who contributed, both big and small alike.

2014 REALLY OLD NEWS! (9-21-14)  HSV1 has just completed the CoD Ghosts Clan season with a huge finish. HSV1 qualified for the CoD Clan World Championships in September. Not only that, but HSV1 then won their Clan Championship/BattleRoyale bracket (getting ourselves a Battle Royale Title Belt!), BEATING seven other top 35 clans in the world!! Congrats!!! That Championship win vaulted us into the final (and official) InfinityWard/Beachhead CoD rankings, to a height of 17th in the world!!!! That's out of 125,000 clans who entered this contest in 2014. Congrats to all the HSV1 members. What a fun ride it was, and an exhilarating finish. All you men and woman, can say with pride, you were champions and a top 20 WORLD ranked clan in 2014.

Welcome to the home of the HSV1 clan! What to do on our site? We have two main sections to our website, one for approved clan members and one for the general public. If you are looking around our general public section, take note that it has probably the largest collection of data about the CoD Clan Wars out there! We'll give you 100x more information than BeachHead Studios, you can take that to the bank. So feel free to look around.

Our clan. We are a 100 to 150 person social based clan that centers around all things CoD, that has been in existence since 2008. Most of members here are 'mature' gamers. We also welcome new people to our clan, without the hassle of nitpicking what a person's KD ratio or other stats are. We just ask that you play to win and be nice. Act responsible. Some of our members are casual CoD players and we also are home to a large contingent of hardcore players who are quite competitive. Our results speak for themselves. We are a legitimate top 20 clan, having finished top twenty back during the MW3 Elite clan contests, to recently finishing 17th in the world in the CoD Ghosts Clan War season, wrapping up that season with a 1st place finish in the Clan World Championships!

We also play other games too. Forming up groups in games like TitanFall to most recently getting into Bungie's Destiny. We currently have around 30 to 35 clan members actively into it!

If you feel like you could fit here, please register and then welcome aboard. Please make your registration name somewhat close to what your gamer ID is.

Thank you!!!

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